5 facts in Turkish Translation that will interest you the most

 If you are thinking about learning Turkish it is always great to know a little about the history and origins of the language you are learning. The Turkish language was initially spoken in Mongolia, before being strongly influenced by Persian and Arabic.

Turkish was then transformed in the 20th century.  You will mainly find Turkish speakers in Turkey and the nearby countries. With a huge Turkish diaspora, Turkish is spoken in more than 30 countries where it is not an authorized language, with Germany with over 2 million Turkish speakers.

Are you looking for inspiration to learn this wonderful language? Read the interesting Turkish facts below and see why Turkish is one of the richest languages in the globe.

Interesting Facts about Turkish culture and language everyone needs to know.

5 Facts in Turkish Translation that will interest you

1.              Politeness is Vital

Turkish is one of the most polite languages in the world. Its heavy use of grammatical and honorifics forms allows speakers to choose the suitable level of formality according to familiarity, social distance and age difference between the interlocutors.

Novice students are sometimes perplexed when they hear people address a single person using the verb declensions and plural second-person pronoun. But, in fact, this is something that orators do to show respect towards the recipient.

As regards honorifics, Turkish uses sayın (honourable, dear), efendim (sir, madam), hanım (Ms. or Mrs.), and bey (Mr.) among others. Similar to English and several other languages, professional and political titles such as profesör (professor), bakan (minister), and başkan (president) are used in Turkish to denote to people as their status or position in society may require.

But unlike English, Turkish goes the extra mile and adds old-style honorifics such as hanım or bey together with the professional title (e.g., doktor hanım, bakan bey).

2.              Is that spelt right? The Turkish language association

Have you ever pondered who regulates whether a particular usage is wrong or right when it comes to language? At present, more than 100 languages from all around the world have language supervisory bodies. This includes Turkish, German, French and Spanish.

The supervisory body of the Turkish language is called the Turkish Language Association, headquartered in Ankara and founded in 1932. Apart from its arbitration role, the Institution conducts significant linguistic research for pragmatic and academic purposes.

3.              Turkish words we use in English  

In the 19th century, Turkic loanwords, mainly of Turkish origin, began to enter the English language through the report of the traders, emissaries and travelers on the one hand, and through press and historical writings, on the other hand.

Having the most intensive and widest connections with England, Turkey provided the largest share of the Turkic loans, which entered into English directly. The impact of Turkish on the English language can be seen in everyday words such as

·         Kayak (fromkayık)

·         Kiosk (from köşk, an open summerhouse)

·         Pastrami(from pastırma)

·         yogurt (fromyoğurt)

·         Zill(from zil, meaning “bell” or “cymbals”, a word of onomatopoeic origin)

4.              Speaking Turkish allows you to understand numerous languages

Experts discriminate four main groups among the Turkic language family: South Eastern (Karluk), North Eastern (Siberian), South Western (Oghuz), and North Western (Kıpchak).

Inter-intelligibility amid each of these groups is very high, the North Eastern group being a different case as it is separated culturally, religiously, and geographically from the other groups.

What does inter-intelligibility mean for Turkish learners? Once you are fluent in Turkish, it won’t be tough for you to understand languages like Uzbek or Azerbaijani. Really, if you speak Turkish, you will be understood even as far as Kyrgyzstan.

5.              Religion

Religion mainly tells about a country’s culture, and in Turkey 99% of the population is Muslim.  What is even more interesting is that Turkey is home to a whopping 82693 mosques.

The other 0.1% of Turks are Christians or members of other religions. Turkey has an illustrious and long Islamic history. Under the Ottoman Empire, the area was a Sunni Islamic state.

Through the country, inspiring Islamic monuments and architecture serve as visual reminders of this rich heritage. Islam involves several obligations on those who follow it.

Among these are; women and men are to keep ritual cleanliness, fast every year during the month of Ramadan and pray five times a day.

If you want to explore global boundaries, you have to invest in Turkish English translation services! One such reliable service provider for Turkish translation is Acadestudio.

Wrapping up

The richness of Turkish culture and language is certainly one of the reasons that Turkey is such a common tourist destination. To become fully engrossed in the ethnic language, tea rituals, historic architecture, and cuisine is a traveler's dream.

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