Polish translation services: Website and document translation

Polish is a popular language, used by approximately fifty million people globally. While the bulk of native Polish speakers is in Poland, the language is also spoken natively in parts of other countries including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Russia, U.S., and the United Kingdom. If you want to keep up with the growing global market, Polish language content in your marketing campaigns and website will establish successful client-to-business relationships and help enhance your global reach. Polish language facts · There are approximately 55 million people globally that speak Polish as a second or first language. · The Polish language belongs to the Slavic language group, along with Ukrainian, Serbian, Czech and Russian. · Polish contains a mass of super long words. One of the lengthiest is dziewi ęć setdziewi ęć dziesi Ä™ ciodziewi Ä™ cionarodowo Å› ciowego meaning somewhat parallel to “of nine-hundred and ninety-nine nat...